Find fresh comics and articles on today’s dynamic workplace. Posted twice a month, articles focus on the AI-Human connection, effective leadership and our engagement and joy at work.

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We Humans believe in the things we can see…

Communicating Psychological Safety in the Workplace

Communicating Psychological Safety in the Workplace

There is no fast and easy way to solve conflicts in the workplace. Rebuilding trust takes time and dedication. How these disputes are resolved is baked into the formative values of the company, and communicating this is done with a one-two punch of talking about it...


The Return.

Workplace communication and our post-covid strategy Fiona Passantino, August 2021 With vaccination numbers rising, and case numbers plummeting, we’ve finally arrived. We are now at Post Covid. By now, we’ve all been in to the office at least once to wipe the dust off...


Lessons from Mythology

Help from the ancient storytellers to guide our Post-Covid Communication As our world becomes ever more complicated and our way of life more fragile, we need the skills of the ancient Storyteller and the tools of the Epic and metaphor to deliver us the information we...


Six tips for Better Crisis Communication

Jump start more effective workplace communication by messaging with pictures rather than words. During a crisis, frightened humans need two things with equal urgency: the rapid communication of crucial facts and the feeling that we are not alone, that we are in this...


Why the corporate video does not improve employee engagement

Proof of employee engagement is something freely offered, not asked for. When it’s spontaneously created — short videos showing off new facilities, mom-to-be sendoffs, team acknowledgements, thanks for hard work or extra hours — the resulting videos, memes and giffys...