From “Single Use” to “Recycle” Mindset

From “Single Use” to “Recycle” Mindset

We suffer from a use-once-and-throw-away mindset. This goes for both plastics and people. Companies exhale and inhale staff on an annual cycle, but nothing ever truly disappears. The plastic particles from a single-use bottle come back into our drinking water, our...
Habits of High-Visibility Leaders

Habits of High-Visibility Leaders

Often, our top-level leaders live in another world; they work at the same company with the same goals, vision and share the same elevators, but are invisible to the community working for them. How can leaders increase their presence, visibility, and interaction with...
Quiet Quitting and Quiet Firing

Quiet Quitting and Quiet Firing

“Quiet quitting” describes an employee who “switches off” psychologically; logging in, doing the bare minimum to avoid being fired or becoming burned out, and at the end of the day, logs off. No more weekend or evening work. “Quiet firing” is the other side of...
Engagement is About the Details

Engagement is About the Details

Engagement Managers are often measured by how they move the needle on employee net promoter scores or attrition rates. But in fact, it’s all about the details. Conveying the feeling of being heard, seen, valued and respected in the workplace, and allowing for...


We all know what “burn-out” is: a medical-emotional condition that can be identified and quantified. “Burn-in” is an invisible, little-known phenomenon that affects high-functioning teams and is just as dangerous. How do you know if your team is in danger of...